Goodbye Friend Poem

Poem Nigh Missing Friend's Presence

When a cherished friend moves away, her presence volition be sorely missed. Dedicated to my good friend, Stephanie Orphanacos, who moved abroad.

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A dear friend of mine passed last yr. I unfortunately missed her last days due to being in hospital myself. Her then ex-partner lived with her to bathe, feed, assist with toilet needs, and...

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Yous Volition Be Missed


Published: October 2007

Saying good day
Was the hardest matter to practice.
I never thought I would,
Especially not to you.

You always listened
And knew what to say,
Knew when to give a hug
When I was having a bad day.

No ane will ever have your place.
I can always promise you this.
It's hard to notice someone like you lot,
So know you'll always be missed.

  • Poem of the Day
  • Emma Dawson by Emma Dawson
  • 2 years ago

A dear friend of mine passed concluding year. I unfortunately missed her terminal days due to existence in infirmary myself. Her then ex-partner lived with her to breast-stroke, feed, help with toilet needs, and they both let onto family and friends they were notwithstanding an item for the kids. Information technology got also much, and the last days in hospital, my friend knew I yet had a thing for her ex equally we were together before. Her passing hitting him hard. We're making a go of things slowly, and we talk and keep her memory live. She told him to please exist happy. Unfortunately, the kids accept simply started to threaten us we both. Love and miss her dearly, and I know she'd be happy for us.

  • Camm by Camm
  • six years ago

I got the news from my best friend that she was moving and I cried. Nosotros spent each and everyday hanging out until it was time for her to move so we basically spent four days together. The fifth twenty-four hour period we couldn't hang but one time she sent me a text maxim she was on a airplane set up to leave I locked myself in the bathroom and started crying my eyes out for an 60 minutes. Today'southward a new day and it's Christmas and I'm listening to the radio and the song 'Similar I'chiliad going to loose you ' comes on and I cry my eyes out. I tin can't stop crying information technology'due south like the other one-half if me is gone for proficient. I tin't take chances the idea of her non existence by my side through everything and I don't want whatsoever new friends because no i can fill up her one.

  • Valentina Rojas past Valentina Rojas
  • seven years ago

My all-time friend's parents had a violent break upwards and her dad took her away. I feel every bit if I lost my sister, and she has been gone for iii years now, I have problems with keeping myself together when I think about her. People talk about her like if she died, there is so much I want to tell her. but I fearfulness the thought of never seeing her again

  • Hawa by Hawa
  • vii years agone

I lost my best friend 5 years agone I cried so much but I still remember her. Now my English teacher became my best friend but at present she's leaving too and so can't bear the sadness:(

  • Ana by Ana
  • eight years ago

My best friend moved away when we were going to quaternary course. We used to do everything together. I cried...I prayed. I guess prayers aren't meant to be answered for me.

  • Kate by Kate
  • 8 years ago

I am going to year vii and need a poem for a friend
this really touched my heart and made me cry :'(
It is truthful to me and is really hard to say goodbye
why do we take to leave schools I hate it and like it the way my life is :)

  • Sierra by Sierra, Nevada
  • viii years ago

My best friend merely moved to Texas unexpectedly because her parents were beingness "irresponsible" and took her to San Antonio..... This is a new school and she was the only person I knew. I feel similar I am going to dice without her...

  • Nina past Nina, Nevada
  • 8 years ago

My best friend since 5th grade (I'm in seventh now) is moving abroad to Texas next week. She was exactly similar me. Nosotros always fabricated funny faces in our school photos and went to frozen yogurt every calendar week together. My friends and I thought to put together a collection of photos on a large poster lath of all of u.s.a. and her. Then I idea of making a CD for her. I covered the front with pictures of all the things she loved and the songs were songs about friendships. I used 1 of these poems on this website and put it on the dorsum of the cover. I've only known her for 3 years and all of her other friends had known her for a lot more than, only I feel like I will miss her the most considering she completed me!

You will be missed Avery!!!! :(

  • Katie by Katie, Nebraska
  • viii years ago

Long ago I had a friend who I loved and she loved me. Nosotros were like sisters and you lot would never find united states of america apart for she had a wellness trouble and I was ever there for her. Only she had to move away and felt similar our bail was broken and we were in and then much pain. I haven't talked to her in a year but we are nonetheless best friends. I volition always miss her and call up her. Oh and I too used a fiddling bit of this poem in a book I am writing if you guys don't heed.

  • Megan by Megan, Kansas
  • viii years ago

My best friend moved to Washington State from Kansas. I am at college now and nosotros are 26 hours apart (1518.two miles). I have non known him long, but he is one of the all-time things that has happened to me. I do non sympathise why I miss him more and more than everyday. I only wished he never had to leave, but he had no choice. It has been almost 3 months since he left, and I no thought what I am going to do with out him. I have went 3 months, but it is killing me. We talk every dark, just it is non the same. I simply actually hope someday we will be able to see each other again.

  • Chelsea Melbourne by Chelsea Melbourne
  • 8 years ago

My bestest friend in the globe, Jaye is moving to a different schoolhouse at the end of the twelvemonth and I don't remember that I will survive! He has always been in that location for me when I need someone and nosotros have had such skilful times. I just can't say expert bye to him.

  • Jessi267 by Jessi267
  • eight years ago

Last year in 8th grade I met someone so special to me and honest to god I miss her similar crazy. I know it's summer and usually kids my age think a little different. More than near things they volition do the rest of the summer well not me. There is not a night where I don't think of her and information technology hurts to know that she is really gone, she's in Washington. I miss her soo much but god knows. I wish I had her here merely for at least ane more year :/ nobody will ever replace her. Ever!

  • Megan by Megan, Kansas
  • viii years agone

My best friend Kevin moved terminal month commencement to California to visit family then permanently to Washington state. I have only known him for 10 months, only he is the simply guy I can trust with annihilation and everything. He has only been gone for fourteen days, just if feels like forever. I didn't go to the aforementioned school and never saw him that often, so it shouldn't seem like things would change, simply now that he is gone it feels similar a piece of me is missing. It would take been the aforementioned when I left for higher in August and he stayed here to go to loftier school, but it'southward different at to the lowest degree then we would have been in the same state. It is so hard trying to stay in contact with the ii hr time difference. This poem means so much to me considering I never idea we would have to say good day. He sent me this verse form yesterday morning. The worst part was I never got to say goodbye in person. I miss y'all and then much Kevin!

  • Helani past Helani
  • 8 years ago

My all-time friend is about to go out me. She had stayed with me only for a yr, but that one year was swell with her and now I'm gonna miss her. Goodbye my dear friend... I volition always miss yous forever.......Beloved you loadzz..

  • Helani by Helani
  • viii years ago

This poem touched me. My best friend leaves me to Commonwealth of australia this Friday and information technology is gonna exist centre- breaking for me to get out her. What will I do???? It is her destiny...........

  • Minisotta by Minisotta
  • 8 years ago

My teacher is going away to live in her domicile state in Minnesota and she and 10 other people are going with her to teach and she has been with me since kindergarten and her last twenty-four hour period with me is tomorrow and she volition always remember that I dearest her like a sister

  • Anna by Anna
  • 9 years ago

My all-time friend is moving abroad. I'thou gonna miss her so much and the sad part it I was living with her for v years and her concluding year here. I love her sooo much its killing me to think almost it. Her leaving will cause a lot of harm to my friend's group, we won't ever be the same. She's a person who tin brand me grin when I give up on myself. Merely if prayers worked... I hope she doesn't exit... I, myself will go down without her. She'due south my sister and a person who I wish lives with me forever. I'll miss you Delaney :(

  • Jack by Jack, Hawaii
  • ix years ago

I am a military machine brat significant I move almost every 1-two years to some random state. I take left backside countless friends merely I only left my closest friend in Pennsylvania... So I can alive on a rock in the middle of the pacific.

  • Noelle past Noelle, California
  • nine years ago

I can relate well to this my best friend is moving away to Hawaii. This poem now means a lot to me.

  • Kayla past Kayla, Nebraska
  • 9 years agone

My friend, whom I retrieve of as a sis, just moved to Wyoming. Through out the schoolhouse day Friday, I was trying not to cry. I went to her going abroad political party and almost cried and so. I finally cried when I got home. Tonight I cried for an hour considering she had officially left. I hate that she moved and wish that He (God) would have kept her here. She doesn't deserve this. She'southward leaving behind then many friends, all of which love her. I'm only a Freshmen, forth with her and most of her friends, so this is hard on everyone. I wish she would've stayed.

  • Sophie by Sophie, Scotland
  • 9 years ago

My Best friend Bethany is moving away at effectually Christmas time. We are in second year at the moment. Nosotros have been all-time friends since main one. She had e'er been there for me, always known how to cheer me up, helped me abound as a person and I am going to miss her so much. <3 you Bethany.

  • Micaela by Micaela
  • 9 years ago

I have just been in yr 7 for 2 terms and at present I have to movement away but the worst part is that your friends which I call my family accept to say goodbye and we have to become our split up paths. Nosotros all face this challenge even if God shows y'all it in a different fashion. I volition always like to think that friends are forever and they are a VERY special role of my heart and they can never be replaced.

  • Yusra by Yusra, Tanzania
  • 9 years ago

I am moving to America and I have these two friends who I stayed with for ten years when I was in Tanzania for four and when I was in England I stayed with them for half-dozen years and it is tranquillity hard to stay without them but I will try my best to make new friends and have nice teachers.

  • Umlkhair by Umlkhair, Hargeisa
  • nine years ago

It is very hard to say farewell to such a kind of person, I have met her before ii years, we had very cracking and amazing time together, we had fun together, we had also very tough time, when nosotros were at school she was my best friend, and she will exist past the end of this world.

  • Elianna by Elianna, Alaska
  • 9 years ago

My fellow is graduating this twelvemonth. He is my all-time friend. I met him this yr and I spent most of information technology never even talking to him. So I started to talk to him and I grew to beloved him so much. Nosotros get closer everyday and he is graduating next week. I have no Idea what I will practise without him...

  • Sarine by Sarine, CA
  • 10 years ago

I'm in the 7th course and my best friend simply told me that she's going to skip eighth grade and go direct to high school with all my other friends. At my school she's like my only truthful friend. I've been picked on in one case or twice about a guy I like, and she was ever there to aid me and stand up for me. Now all my friends in the 8th grade are leaving then is she! I don't know what I'm gonna do without her!

  • Hannah by Hannah, Odessa
  • 10 years ago

I only had a friend tell me she's going to move in two days ...and so she told she was going to wait till the end of the school twelvemonth ... and so changed her mind and decided to move...Tuesday the last solar day she was going to be at school I was holding back tears all day .... finally subsequently school broke down and started crying even chiliad she merely about an hr away aught is the aforementioned without her.

  • Maria past Maria, Michigan
  • 10 years ago

I live in Michigan and I know my all-time friend since I was in first course but when we got to loftier schoolhouse we really became BEST friends. We did everything together! We were in nonetheless sports and Ever at each others house. iii days before school started my junior year she told me that she was going to be moving to Pennsylvania in 3 days...8 hours abroad. That'due south probably the hardest thing I take always had to do in my entire life!!!!

  • Grace past Grace, Texas
  • 10 years agone

My best friend for ten years died a few days dorsum and I feel as if I'm missing part of myself. Its hard to believe she's gone when I saw her the solar day she was murdered.

  • Luis A. Leon by Luis A. Leon
  • 10 years agone

My best friend moved away when nosotros were going to seventh grade. Nosotros used to do everything together. I cried...I prayed. I estimate prayers aren't meant to be answered for me. He left. I was heart-broken. I promised him we would see each other once more, then he got in the aeroplane. He came for his school's holiday. I burst into tears when I saw him at the door with his eyes watered. We did our underground handshake from the start form. Eventually, he left over again. With merely a little bit of luck...You can see your best friend once more. Sad function is, I never saw Giovanie again. But his void remains in my heart.In hopes of seeing again. Please god, I but wanna see him one more time.

  • Lili past Lili, Wales
  • x years ago

Well my best friend is moving abroad to Republic of ireland, it's hard to say goodbye to such a amazing person why is it and then hard , she's like my family unit and I can't spend a 24-hour interval without her!

  • Kt past Kt
  • 11 years ago

I'thou a "diplomat brat" and my all-time friend just moved half mode across the world...I love her and I promise that I volition meet her once again. This poem she would dearest. I dearest it too. Thank you for this keen poem <3

  • Birmingham by Birmingham
  • 11 years ago

I take a Best Friend and this Sunday she is going back to live in Poland. We've known each other since Secondary school, and we accept had such fun, we had some good times some bad times just that's going to happen, we are like sisters, merely soon nosotros will have to say cheerio. I don't know what I'm going to do without her, I retrieve I'll cry simply I've got to exist strong and maybe one day we can come across again xxxxxxxx

  • Jeniffer by Jeniffer
  • eleven years agone

I of my dear friends is graduating this year and I'one thousand gonna miss them. This is one of the best poems I accept always read.

  • sarah by sarah
  • 12 years ago

I've been in the same secondary school for seven years and I've got really really great mates. And we were all leaving and naught really is going to be the same and I cried like mad and I only don't want to say bye. I simply desire to stay for a picayune longer, a fleck more fourth dimension to spend with my mates and have no regrets and rectify any mistakes I've fabricated. and just ane more day because I cant imagine my life without them.

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